Deferred payment terms and conditions


In the case of the customer selects the deferred payment plan option offered by holidayheroes such plan requires the customer to enter into a loan agreement and the following terms and conditions will apply.

The below Pre-Contract Credit Information - Standard European Consumer Credit Information ("SECCI") guidelines outlines the detailed terms and conditions specified in the loan agreement

1. Identity and contact details of the creditor
holidayheroes Deutschland GmbH (the online sales agent) on on behalf of Travelstore (the tour operator)
Hansastraße 10, 80686 Munich, Germany
Telephone number(s);
+49 (0) 89 12 08 67 74
E-mail address;
Web address
2. Description of the main features of the credit product
Type of credit
Installment payment plan, with specified period and fixed interest rate and term of contract, repayable in either monthly installments or with an initial deposit and the balance paid close to your departure date
The total amount of credit
This means the ceiling of the total sum made available under the credit agreement.
Loan amount ranges are between 500 to 6,000 Euro € depending on the customer booking and the approval by the merchant
The Conditions governing the drawdown.
This means how and when you can access
This credit will be made available in the form of installment payments for the purchase of Travel package booking
The creditor will only grant a loan to customers who are at least 18 years of age, have residence in Germany, who are considered creditworthy upon the positive outcome of certain checks conducted and who have entered into a Loan Agreement with Holidayheroes Deutschland GmbH (the online sales agent) on behalf of Travelstore (the tour operator)
The duration of the credit agreement
There could be various installment plans offered and duration is dynamic and determined by the date of booking and the date of departure which is selected by you
Installments and the order in which installments will be allocated.
Installments are made in accordance with the payment plan chosen by you and may consist of variable data such as

● number of installments

● amount of each installment Euro €

● collection date of each month

● First due date for collection of first installment

● Final due date for collection of last installment

You can choose to deviate from the payment plan by paying the entire outstanding amount or an amount that exceeds the monthly payment, but never lower than the monthly amount. When payments are made, older debts will be settled first. Interest and/or costs shall be paid in the following manner:
The above-mentioned payments / installments include the interest and costs arising from servicing in accordance with the loan agreement. Payments which are insufficient to repay the entire debt due are credited, according to the settlement sequence that the outstanding positions are covered in the following order: Principal claim, ancillary claims, expenses (third party costs), collection fee, interest.
The total amount you will have to pay.
Refers to the amount of the credit, interest and other expenses related to your credit, if any
Your total amount to pay is determined based on your selected payment plan
3. Costs of credit
Borrowing rate (credit interest)
Your nominal interest is based on your choice of installment plan and your credit risk profile
Annual Percentage Rate of Charge (APR) This is the total cost expressed as an annual percentage of the total amount of credit. The APR is there to help you compare different offers.
Total cost of credit is variable and it is calculated based on your credit scoring and the structure of the booking package
The calculation of the annual percentage rate (APR) is, in accordance with Pricing Information Ordinance, based on the legal assumption that the credit will be fully utilized immediately on the day of the conclusion of the credit agreement and that the credit agreement is to remain valid for the period agreed and that you and the Creditor will fulfill the corresponding obligations under the terms and by the dates specified in the Loan Agreement.
Is it compulsory, in order to obtain the credit or to obtain it on the terms and conditions marketed, to take out

● an insurance policy securing the credit, or

● another ancillary service contract?

If the costs of these services are not known by the creditor they are not included in the APR.


Related costs
Other costs deriving from the credit agreement that might apply and subject to approval
● Failed fee 6 Euro €
● Fee for Change in Due Date 6 Euro €
● Rescheduling fee 6 Euro €
Conditions under which the above-mentioned costs related to the credit agreement can be changed.
When you utilize a service listed in the credit agreement the fees quoted therein shall, unless otherwise agreed upon in this respect, apply. Any payment by you beyond the agreed fee for the principal service shall be subject to express agreement between you and the Creditor.
Unless otherwise agreed upon, the fee for services not listed in the credit agreement shall be governed by the statutory provisions, insofar as such services are rendered on your behalf or in your presumed interest and are, judging by the circumstances, to be expected only in return for a fee. The Creditor shall not charge fees for a service that the Creditor is legally obliged to render free of charge or is obliged to render free of charge as a result of a contractual subsidiary duty, or that it performs in its own interest. In case of a cost increase and to maintain the equivalence ratio, once a quarter the Creditor can change the amount of the fees by disclosing the individual cost components and their weighting in the calculation of the overall price. Cost reductions are to be passed on to you in the same manner.
Costs in case of late payments
In the event of a late payment or if the payment falls short of the minimum amount, you will be charged:
Missing payments can have severe consequences (e.g. forced sale) and make obtaining credit more difficult.
Penalty interest:
The interest rate for default interest - in contrast to nominal interest - is set by law, Section 288 BGB. B2C: for the year 5 percentage points above the prime rate, Section 288 (1) sentence 2 BGB The base interest rate: The prime rate is a variable interest rate set by central banks such as the European Central Bank (ECB). In Germany, the prime rate is recalculated and published twice a year according to the specifications of the European Central Bank (01.01. and 01.07.).
Effect of partial payments on interest calculation - Offsetting: what is settled first by the partial payment? As a rule, partial payments are first offset against the default interest already accrued and then against the remaining debt, Section 367 BGB. Exceptionally in the case of B2C loan agreements: first with the principal claim and then interest, Section 497 (3) sentence 1 BGB
Influence on further default interest: From the date of partial payment, the principal debt decreases.
From this point in time, the new, adjusted principal claim amount becomes the basis for further interest calculation à calculate interest separately for the period before and after the partial payment and add it up at the end.
Additionally, the Creditor shall be entitled to send you reminder emails.
Missing payments can have serious consequences for you (e.g. forced sale) and make it difficult to obtain credit.
Debt collection fees
Debt collection fees will be charged in accordance with the maximum amounts allowed under the Act on Compensation for Debt Collection Costs (1981:739). In case of late payment, the creditor may also terminate the credit account agreement and require early repayment of the entire outstanding amount on your credit account.
4. Other important legal aspects
Assignment of Receivables
Assignment Notice: The Creditor reserves the right to assign, transfer the receivable rights arising from your installment payments to one of its partnering finance providers, for the purpose of managing and collecting payments.
Effect of Assignment: The Partnering Finance provider, (“The Assignee”)shall possess and be entitled to exercise all rights and privileges associated with the receivables, as if The Assignee were the original creditor in this agreement. You shall further acknowledge that the assignment of receivables shall not alter your obligations under the terms of this credit agreement, except with respect to the party to whom payments must be made.
Right of withdrawal
You have the right to withdraw from the credit agreement within a period of 14 running days.
Early repayment
You have the right to repay the credit early at any time in full or partially
Yes. You have the right to repay the credit early at any time in full or partially.
The creditor is entitled to compensation in the case of early repayment
No. You only have to pay for costs and interest up until the full repayment of the credit.
Consultation of a database
The creditor must inform you immediately and without charge of the result of a consultation of a database, if a credit application is rejected on the basis of such a consultation. This does not apply if the provision of such information is prohibited by European Community law or is contrary to objectives of public policy or public security.
When granting and monitoring a credit, the creditor consults internal and/or external databases for the purposes of assessing credit worthiness. If your application is rejected based on the results of a search of an external database the creditor will, without any cost, inform you of the result.
Right to a draft credit agreement
You have the right, upon request, to obtain a copy of the draft credit agreement free of charge. This provision does not apply if the creditor is at the time of the request unwilling to proceed to the conclusion of the credit agreement with you.
The law used by the creditor as the foundation for relations with you before the conclusion of the credit agreement.
German Law
Clause stipulating the governing law applicable to the credit agreement and/or the competent court.
The credit agreement and the terms of the loan are governed by and shall be interpreted in accordance with German law. Any mandatory protection granted under German law for the purpose of consumer protection shall apply to the Customer.
Language to be used in connection with the credit agreement.
Information and contractual terms will be supplied in German or German and English. The The German language will prevail in case of conflict. With your consent, we intend to communicate in German or German and English during the duration of the credit agreement.
5. Data Privacy and Creditworthiness Assessment
Data Collection and Purpose
For the purpose of assessing your creditworthiness and granting your loan, the creditor will collect, process, and use your personal and financial information and consult internal and/or external databases.
To accurately assess your creditworthiness, we may share your Personal Data with credit reference agencies, fraud prevention agencies, and our partnering finance providers, if applicable.
We assure you that all third parties are contractually obligated to use your Personal Data solely for the intended purposes and to maintain confidentiality and security. Your Personal Data will be retained only for as long as necessary for the purposes set out in this clause, in accordance with our data retention policy and applicable laws.
6. Additional information in the case of distance marketing of financial services
(a) concerning the creditor
The creditor is registered in the Munich, Germany Registry. Trade Register under reg. no. HRB 280693
The supervisory authority B
b) Concerning the credit agreement
Right of withdrawal
Exercise of the right of withdrawal
Sie haben das Recht, von einem Kreditvertrag zurückzutreten. Die Widerrufsfrist beträgt 14 Tage ab dem Tag des Abschlusses des Kreditvertrags, jedoch nicht bevor Sie den Vertrag und die Bedingungen erhalten haben. Das Widerrufsrecht können Sie ausüben, indem Sie uns eine Nachricht über Ihr Anliegen schicken, vorzugsweise durch Kontaktaufnahme mit unserem Kundensupport.
Wenn Sie von Ihrem Widerrufsrecht nicht innerhalb der oben genannten Frist Gebrauch machen, verlieren Sie das Recht, den Kreditvertrag zu widerrufen. Wenn Sie von Ihrem Rücktrittsrecht Gebrauch machen, müssen Sie innerhalb von 30 Tagen nach der Mitteilung über den Rücktritt an uns die gesamten verbleibenden Gebühren zahlen. Um jeden Zweifel auszuschließen, bezieht sich das Widerrufsrecht auf den Kreditvertrag und nicht auf die Dienstleistung oder das Produkt, für die Sie den Kredit in Anspruch genommen haben
Wird der Kredit nicht innerhalb von 30 Tagen vollständig zurückgezahlt, sind Sie verpflichtet, Verzugszinsen und eventuelle zusätzliche Kosten/Gebühren zu zahlen.
The law taken by the creditor as a basis for the establishment of relations with you before the conclusion of the credit agreement
German Law
Clause stipulating the governing law applicable to the credit agreement and/or the competent court
The Credit Agreement shall be governed by the substantive law of Germany. Any dispute arising in connection to the Credit Agreement shall be settled in German general court.
Language regime
Information and contractual terms will be supplied in German or German and English. The German language will prevail in case of conflict. With your consent, we intend to communicate in German or German and English during the duration of the credit agreement.
(c) concerning redress
Out-of-court complaint and redress mechanisms
If you have a complaint or concerns about the credit or our invoicing, you are primarily referred to our customer service on +49 (0) 89 12 08 67 74 or
If a dispute related to a loan cannot be solved in negotiations between the parties, the consumer may turn to the , which provides independent advice and guidance for customers free of charge.

Additional Terms and conditions that appear in the loan agreement

1. Acknowledgment and Acceptance
The agreement for granting a deferral of payment of the purchase price (hereinafter also the “Loan Agreement”) shall be considered an integral and substantive part of the agreement for purchase of the service (“Purchase Agreement”) offered by the Creditor and shall be conditional upon the positive outcome of certain checks conducted on the Customer – as mentioned in point 4 below - for the purposes of possible the acceptance by the Assignee (as defined below) of the assignment of the Creditor’s Receivable (as defined below) towards the Customer.

2. Assignment of Receivable
The creditor may assign without recourse to a Partnering Finance provider (the “Assignee”) , for consideration, the receivable deriving from the Purchase Agreement, of which this Credit Agreement constitutes an integral and substantive part, equal to the amount resulting from the sum of the installments indicated in this Credit Agreement and the accessory amounts (the “Receivable”), and expressly acknowledges that the final relevant debt, if assigned, is towards the Assignee. The customer may not transfer or assign any rights or obligations it has under this Agreement without the merchants prior written consent.

3. Conditions for Deferral and Assignment
The customer also acknowledges that the deferral of payment of the purchase price and the assignment of the Receivable are strictly conditional upon:

i) the customer being a German-resident consumer and at least 18 years old.

ii) the Receivable amounting to at least Euro 500

iii) the outcome of the checks on capacity, active state of the payment instrument, and enablement to the TTL service (Computer Terminal) used, or the outcome of the check on the minimum amount assignable and the debit of the first installment that will be requested at the time of purchase.

iv) the outcome of the checks on regularity of the documentation or the checks conducted on the customer also through queries of data bases managed by private entities (e.g., Crif).

As a consequence:
1) in the event that the above-mentioned checks are successful, the deferral of payment of the purchase price under the Credit Agreement will be granted, and the relevant Receivable maybe assigned to the Assignee. The customer will receive a notice confirming the payment deferral, the installment plan and the means of payment chosen by the customer and any other relevant term, according to the modalities set out below.
2) in the event that the above-mentioned checks are not successful, the deferral of payment of the purchase price under the Deferral Agreement will not be granted, and no receivables’ assignment to the Assignee can take place, with the customer being obliged to pay the price agreed upon for the purchase of the service directly to the Merchant. The customer will be informed accordingly with the modalities set out below.

The possible assignment of the Receivable is also strictly conditional upon the issuing of the invoice to the customer and the confirmation of the booking to the customer not later than 15 (fifteen) days from the date of execution of the Deferral Agreement.

4. Data Privacy and Assessment
The Merchant processes the customer’s personal data in order to carry out its obligations in this Agreement and for the additional purposes set out in the merchant’s privacy notice. The Privacy Notice is available [link to Privacy Notice] and on the merchant’s website, and by using the Merchant’s services the customer confirms reading this Notice.
The customer’s personal data is used for the purpose of assessing the customer’s creditworthiness and granting the loan, the Merchant will collect, process, and use the customer’s personal and financial information and consult internal and/or external databases. To accurately assess the customer’s creditworthiness, the merchant may share the customer’s Personal Data with credit reference agencies, fraud prevention agencies, and the partnering finance providers, if applicable.
The Merchant assures the customer that all third parties are contractually obligated to use the customer’s Personal Data solely for the intended purposes and to maintain confidentiality and security.
The customer’s Personal Data will be retained only for as long as necessary for the purposes set out in this clause, in accordance with the merchants and finance providers’ data retention policy and applicable laws.

5. Termination and Withdrawal

a) In the event of (i) cancellation of the Purchase Agreement pursuant to the law or (ii) failure to issue the invoice from the date of conclusion of the credit Agreement, or (iii) withdrawal with total return within the term and at the conditions set out in the Purchase Agreement, the same Purchase Agreement as well as this Deferral Agreement will terminate and lose effect, with consequent right for the customer to be reimbursed of the amounts paid including principal and interest amount, if any, by the Merchant according to the terms of the Purchase Agreement.

b) The Customer has a right to withdraw from this agreement. The period of withdrawal is 14 days from the day of the conclusion of this credit agreement. The right of withdrawal can be exercised by sending the Merchant a message about the customer’s request, preferably by contacting the Merchant’s customer support.

c) If the customer does not use the right of withdrawal within the period stated above, the customer will lose the right to withdraw from this credit agreement. If the customer uses its right of withdrawal, the customer shall within 30 days of the message about withdrawal to the Merchant, pay the full remaining fees. For avoidance of doubt, the right to withdrawal refers to the credit agreement and not the service that the customer has used the credit for. If the credit is not fully repaid within 30 days, the customer will be obligated to pay default interest and possible extra costs/fees.

d) In the event of withdrawal, (i) the relationship with the Merchant shall be governed by the agreement for purchase of services, in compliance with the relevant applicable legislation, and (ii) in case of consequent reduction by the Merchant of the purchase price of the services, the credit Agreement will remain valid and effective but the relevant installment plan shall be updated accordingly and the reduced receivable collectible from the customer according to such revised plan. The amount and the form of any refund as well as the reduction/amendment of the installment plan will be notified to the customer.

6. Repayment
The deferral of payment of the purchase price agreed upon with the credit Agreement is application of interest or other costs, except for the costs and late payment interests set out in clause 1 above and clause 6 below.

a. If, after the date set out in the installment plan, the customer has not paid in full by such date at the latest, the customer shall be in default without further ado and also without a separate reminder, unless payment is not made due to a circumstance for which the customer is not responsible or due to an objection raised in writing and substantiated before the due date. Default shall also occur if a partial amount of the invoice is disputed, and the undisputed part is not paid or if the customer’s objection is rejected as unfounded. In such a case, the customer shall bear all costs incurred as a result of the delay in payment.

b. In the event of payment default, the customer may have to bear additional cost incurred for the collection of the outstanding amounts, it being understood that such collection costs shall be due by the customer on top of the outstanding Receivables’ amounts, the reminder fee and the late payment interests accrued. In the event of the collection of outstanding installments by a collection service provider, costs may be incurred.

c. Any form of payment default, the Merchant’s at its own discretion may trigger cancellation of the purchase agreement.

d. The customer has the right to repay the credit early at any time in full or partially. The Merchant is not entitled to compensation in the case of early repayment and the customer will only have to pay for costs and interest up until the full repayment of the credit.

7. Communication and change of detail if the assignment of the receivables’ to the Assignee takes place

a. When entering into this credit Agreement in the case the subsequent assignment is made to the Assignee, the relationship regarding the payment of the installments of the purchase price of the services shall be exclusively between the customer and the assignee, thus the Merchant shall neither have any liability and/or involvement in such relationship (except in case of service’s defect and/or total or partial return of within the term set out in the Purchase Agreement) nor be entitled to any payment of the purchase price by the customer.

b. The communications regarding the credit Agreement, the Receivables assignment and/or payment (including recovery of unpaid Receivables) will be transmitted to the customer, depending on the content of the communication, either through the Merchant’s web platform or by the Assignee through other remote communication technique at the addresses provided by the customer (that shall thus also be valid for domiciliation of the communications, and include the electronic mail address).

c. When the customer gives its consent to the merchant for sending electronic communications to the e-mail address or telephone number the customer has provided, the customer agrees that the merchant and/or the assignee of the receivables the finance provider may send statements, notices and other communications under or in relation to this Agreement (other than communications that are required by law to be sent in paper form) via e-mail to this email address or via text message to this mobile phone number. The customer must promptly inform the merchant of any changes to the customer's name, address, e-mail or telephone number. The customer must provide any evidence of such changes that the merchant or/and the finance provider may reasonably require.

8. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution
The law used by the Merchant as the foundation for relations in this agreement and the terms of the credit are governed by and shall be interpreted in accordance with German law. Any mandatory protection granted under German law for the purpose of consumer protection shall apply to the Customer. Any dispute arising in connection to this Agreement shall be settled in German general court.

9. Authorisation of continuous direct debit on payment card

9.1. The customer authorizes the Merchant, as the creditor, to send, directly or indirectly, instructions for continuous debit to the Issuer of the customer’s payment card. The customer hereby authorizes the Merchant to charge a new card the customer may receive to substitute the one currently in his/her possession, and in the event of any changes in the card data or the relationship with the Issuer (e.g. loss, theft, substitution of the card, termination of the relationship, etc.), undertakes to promptly notify the Merchant.
The customer hereby authorizes the Merchant, in the event the card has expired or in any event inactive, to make the request for payment to the card with the same PAN and new expiration date, also authorizing the Issuer/Assignor or the operator of the IT platform used to make the deferral request and for the management of the communications, to communicate to the Merchant any changes in the card data. The customer acknowledges that the conditions of the contract signed with the Issuer in effect from time to time shall apply.

9.2. In the case that the assignment of the receivables to the Assignee takes place the customer authorizes the assignee, as the creditor (assignee of the claim deriving from the Deferral Agreement indicated above) , to send, directly or indirectly, instructions for continuous debit to the Issuer of the customer’s payment card, as identified above. The customer hereby authorizes the assignee to charge a new card the customer may receive to substitute the one currently in his/her possession, and in the event of any changes in the card data or the relationship with the Issuer (e.g. loss, theft, substitution of the card, termination of the relationship, etc.), undertakes to promptly notify the Assignee.
The customer hereby authorizes the Assignee, in the event the card is expired or in any event inactive, to make the request for payment to the card with the same PAN and new expiration date, also authorizing the Issuer/Assignor or the operator of the IT platform used to make the deferral request and for the management of the communications, to communicate to the Assignee any changes in the card data. The customer acknowledges that the conditions of the contract signed with the Issuer in effect from time to time shall apply.